Bobbie’s new album ‘Yearn’

Bobbie has recently released ‘Yearn’, an album of the some of the songs that she was writing, recording and performing with Jonny Seagroatt before Comus reformed.
If you’d like to hear the album, you can listen to it on Bandcamp, where it’s available as a download or a physical album. It is also available as a physical album on Discogs.
For more details about Yearn please see

Bobbie’s lyrics for the songs can be found at

The cover for Yearn was based on the painting ‘Shirt #2’ by Bobbie. You can see more of her work at

Welcome to the new Comus website.

Welcome to the new Comus website.

As news appears – left, gingerly, in the cleft-stick at the entrance to Comus’ cave – it will appear here, slightly chewed, shortly afterwards.

Apropos of which; the next Comus outing will be at the Villa Manuela Festival in Madrid on Saturday, 4th October.

Comus Villa Manuela Festival

The Festival website is just through here, and their resplendent page on the Book of Face can be much admired and fraternally befriended right here.